The Cosy Corner
23 dec 20192 minuten om te lezen
De leukste (online) winkeltjes
Shopverslaving? Nee. (ontkenning is de eerste fase) - Laat ons toegeven dat online shoppen niet alleen super handig is, maar ook leuk is...
51 weergaven

Take A Shot Blog
9 apr 20182 minuten om te lezen
My Favourite Jewelry
I never go out the door without a piece of jewelry. It's like I feel empty, naked without it. You probably know the feeling of not...
32 weergaven

Take A Shot Blog
4 okt 20171 minuten om te lezen
Ready For Fall!
Fall has arrived and I couldn't be happier! If there are 2 seasons I LOVE, it must be summer and fall. Why? I just really enjoy the...
68 weergaven